How To Show Your Home Some Love This Valentine’s Day

How To Show Your Home Some Love This Valentine’s Day

Your home does so much for you, such as protecting you from rain, snow, and harmful UV rays. Sometimes, though, you don’t think to show your home how much you care about it. From fixing leaky faucets to repairing awnings after a bad storm, here’s how to show your home some love this Valentine’s Day.

Redoing the Kitchen

Not many homes have an updated kitchen. But, with a stable budget and small areas to fix here and there, you can give the small makeover your house has desired for so long.

Start small by updating lighting fixtures and adding in soft lighting. Then, change the sink to something bigger and more functional for your busy kitchen, especially if you spend the most time there.

Also, consider going a little bold this year by installing bronze handles to your cabinets or painting them gray.

Splashing on New Paint

As mentioned above, applying new coats of paint can make your home feel renewed. Wake up the walls by placing a new color over the old one. Consider painting them this year’s best color from Pantone. A Very Peri purple can make a living room feel more relaxing after a long workday and make the bedroom feel less chaotic as you drift off to sleep.

Reorganizing Every Room

Show your home that you care about size by reorganizing and decluttering your home. The more you buy or receive gifts, the more they can take up space you don’t have.

Luckily, there are many ways to improve your organization. Start with shelves, and make your way from room to room, removing anything you don’t need. Then, divide everything into piles for donation, regifting, or a yard sale.

Updating the Bathroom

Unfortunately, a house doesn’t age gracefully unless a homeowner actively works on problem areas. The one place that might always need work is the bathroom.

For starters, you can start by adding features like a bathroom exhaust fan. An exhaust fan can do many things, such as fighting humidity and reducing the amount of moisture that builds up. Also, consider adding a window to help air out bad smells that don’t seem to leave.

Adding Modern Touches

Going from room to room, add small touches to help your home feel up-to-date, such as a video-recording doorbell, a security system, and other intelligent electronics. With these enhancements, you make your home feel more comfortable.

Without a roof over your head, there’d be no other place to call home. So start by planning renovations to improve your home’s appearance. You can begin by learning how to show your home some love this Valentine’s Day and beyond.