Staircases are often a point of attraction in your home, be it on the exterior or in the interior. If you are thinking of welcoming your guests with an out of the box idea or having uniquely creative stairs in ...

If there is something people dread more than building their houses right, it would be getting their ceiling right. With so many different designs, color combinations and amazing visuals available and limited only by one’s own creativity, it becomes hectic ...

Living rooms, as we have mentioned many times, are the most important places in a house. These are the places where we welcome guests and spend quality time with friends and family. As such, these areas must never be ignored ...

If you are renovating your home or just have an empty wall in your home that keeps staring at you like a blank box, indulging yourself in making up some great DIY wall art pieces can be a great idea. ...

Spick and span; that’s the kind of home which everyone wants to have. From the porch to the bathroom, people put in a lot of efforts and money these days to come up with a home which is aesthetically modern ...

A fireplace in any of your room is the one place that enlightens and highlights the entire space, not just with the roaring fire but also with the way you have decorated it. Generally, a fireplace occupies a greater portion ...

Everyone needs their personal space and one room that respects that space is your bedroom. An individual’s bedroom decor is a private affair. Everyone likes their bedroom to be designed according to their liking. The bedroom interior displays ones personality ...

A nicely lit and decorated space with the finest crockery and modern appliances sitting on the shelves; that’s how you define a stylish kitchen. These days the idea of interior decoration is not just limited to beautifying the bedrooms or ...

A woman’s bedroom or a boudoir must look dazzling since it is a private chamber where she relaxes and dresses up. Bedroom vanities are equally important to consider when thinking of decking up your bedrooms. A vanity area (space to ...

Complete your dining room with the ideal dining table for your family. A dining table in every home plays a vital role to keep the family together. Apart from bringing the family together during meal times, it helps in entertaining ...