6 Things to Consider Before Buying a Smart Home Security System

Photo by Thomas Kolnowski on Unsplash

When you think about home security systems, what do you picture? If it’s a bulky metal box with lots of flashing lights and a loud siren, then you’re looking at the wrong kind. Home automation isn’t just a trend – it’s an industry set to explode in the coming years as more homeowners are looking for better ways to protect their homes, families, and belongings. Home security systems are becoming more like smart home systems that can be integrated into all the devices in your home.

If you’re considering buying a smart home security system, there are a few factors to consider first that might affect which type of system you choose. Here are six things you need to think about before making a purchase:

1. What type of automation you are looking for

Some people are looking for home automation to make their life easier. It’s a trend that will only get bigger as more people start enjoying the convenience of controlling appliances and other features in their home from a phone or computer. But if your main concern is adding security, you should consider how well it integrates with other types of home automation features. A smart home security system is more than its security features, and it’s important to make sure those extra options will serve your needs now and in the future.

Photo by Sebastian Scholz (Nuki) on Unsplash

2. Cost of the system and its components

The cost of a home security system will vary depending on what type of automation you want. A full-featured security system like Vivint is going to be more expensive than just adding basic lighting features, for example. Think about how much each feature costs and how it compares with the value added to your home. There are even some systems that start out at $15 monthly, which is affordable for almost anyone.

3. Contract length

The longer the contract, the more you’re going to pay. Some companies like Vivint require a three-year contract, while others like SimpliSafe require none at all. It’s important to weigh this against your plans for your home and family. If you think there’s a good chance you’ll want to add other automation in the future, a long contract might be worth it so you can save money. If you plan on moving, you might want to reconsider the length of your contract before making a purchase.

4. The type of monitoring service you choose

Some providers offer simple security and fire monitoring, while others like ADT offer home automation with their personalized packages. If you’re interested in an all-inclusive package, make sure the company is experienced and reputable and that the features meet your needs. You don’t want to pay for a company that doesn’t offer what you need and has bad customer service just because they manage your security system.

Photo by Moritz Kindler on Unsplash

5. Multiple device compatibility

Most home automation systems are compatible with multiple devices due to the growing demand for mobile access. However, not all individual devices are compatible with each other. Find out if your preferred device works before you sign up, especially if it’s an older model of something that isn’t as widely used.

6. The equipment required

Do you have a pre-existing security system? If so, you probably have a wired system with sensors on the windows and doors connecting to the main panel. These types of systems aren’t going anywhere anytime soon, but they usually require professional installation, which isn’t ideal for homeowners who want immediate access to home automation features. Wireless systems are a growing trend, but you have to also consider battery life and device compatibility.

There are other things to consider when buying a smart home security system, but these are some of the most important. Make sure to do your own research before you commit because it’s up to you to make sure your investment is worth it in the long term.


I am a beachy type of person, living in Newport Beach, and oftentimes I’ll go for a swim with my daughter. When I’m bored, I’ll help make package boxes for my little girl’s sticker company on Etsy.
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