Smart Home 101: What You Need to Know

Photo by Sebastian Scholz (Nuki) on Unsplash

Having a smart home can make everyday tasks more convenient. With modern technology, devices are becoming more innovative. Here is everything you need to about smart homes.

What Is a Smart Home?

A smart house is where you control your appliances and devices through a Wi-Fi connection. This means you can adjust the device using your phone or tablet. So, homeowners can remotely control features like temperature or lighting.

How Are the Devices Connected?

To set up your devices, you can either use a wireless or hardwired system. Wireless systems rely on network connections, such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. They are easy to install and convenient to use. However, they are limited in terms of range and bandwidth.

Hardwired connections rely on physical cables. This system is more reliable and secure. Although, one drawback is that the wiring process can be inconvenient and costly.

The Benefits of a Smart House

Photo by Sebastian Scholz (Nuki) on Unsplash

Once your electronics are connected, having a smart home comes with multiple perks. Here are some of the main advantages of owning a smart property.

1. Convenience

With a smart home, you can control all your appliances from one location. This saves you time running around the house adjusting each device. You then don’t have to miss a moment of your favorite television show. Some devices even send you notifications about your home. For example, smart doorbells can alert you when a package is delivered.

Besides personal convenience, these smart appliances can save you money. Smart thermostats adjust to your ideal temperature conserving energy. This can help to lower your utility bills.

2. Security

Smart home devices can help to increase your property’s security. Some come with safety features, including surveillance cameras and motion detectors. This can help you monitor your home when you’re away. Also, you can receive security alerts from your electronics to give you better peace of mind.

3. Increases Your Home’s Resale Value

Many homeowners look for houses that offer convenience and security. With more people working from home, this is has become a greater priority. So, homes with smart devices are a popular selling point.

Also, with more buyers looking for green homes, energy-efficient appliances are attractive features. Some of the common smart devices buyers look for are security systems and video doorbells.

Best Devices to Add to Your Home

Photo by Bence Boros on Unsplash

With so many options, deciding which technology to buy can seem overwhelming. To give you some inspiration, consider adding these devices to your smart home.

1. Smart Speaker

These speakers are perfect for listening to your favorite song or catching up on the news. Most of them are voice-operated, so your hands are free to focus on your current task. You can even connect them to your other devices, such as your thermostat. Some of the most popular smart speakers are Apple’s HomePod Mini, the Amazon Echo, or Google Nest.

2. Video Doorbell

A smart doorbell can make your home feel more secure. The camera allows you to see who’s at your door so you can determine if it’s a trusted person before opening the door. Another benefit is that you can talk to people at your door from anywhere, even your couch.

Then, when you’re not home, you will know who visited your house. This is especially convenient for families with teenage kids who often have friends over.

3. Smart Pool Monitor

If you own a pool, this device can make it easier to maintain. It enables you to check your chlorine levels and monitor calcium hardness. You can do all this from the convenience of your phone. The device also provides accurate, on-demand measurements.

4. Smart Lightbulbs

These types of lights use LED bulbs. You often connect them to Alexa or Google Assistant so you can use voice commands to turn your lights on and off. This way, you can adjust the lighting from any room.

Besides convenience, these lights can also reduce your energy usage. They use about 75% less energy than incandescent bulbs. Saving energy helps the environment while saving you money.

A Guide to Smart Homes

Smart houses are becoming a popular trend as advanced technology makes homeowners’ lives more efficient and secure. Consider upgrading your devices to create your own smart home today!


I am a beachy type of person, living in Newport Beach, and oftentimes I’ll go for a swim with my daughter. When I’m bored, I’ll help make package boxes for my little girl’s sticker company on Etsy.
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