Sustainable Living: Energy-Saving Tips to Create a More Eco-Friendly Home

Photo by Adrianna Calvo from Pexels

There are several things that contribute to the world’s crisis of pollution, but disposable plastics and carbon dioxide are the biggest contributors. But as more and more people are becoming aware of this global crisis, more and more people are trying to figure out ways to do their part in helping protect our environment.

Every little bit counts… People tend to think that in order to do your part to help save the environment you have to do it in a major way, and you don’t. There’s no need to buy solar panels or break the bank buying all Energy Star kitchen appliances… In fact, the best way to do your part is to start small and to start at home.

Little things like leaving lids on your pots while cooking so your food will cook faster may not seem like it would make a huge difference but you’d be surprised at just how your “small” efforts can add up to major savings in the grand scheme of things.

If you are in the slightest way interested in doing good for the environment in an efficient and budget-friendly way, here are some of the top energy-saving tips to create an eco-friendlier home.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

Let Your Clothes Air Dry

After most people wash their clothes, the next step is to put them in the dryer… Well, in your efforts to be more eco-friendly at home, you want to avoid putting your clothes in the dryer if possible.

If you have a nice-sized backyard and can hang your clothes on a line and let the fresh air and the warmth from the sun dry your clothes. Even if you don’t have a house and live in a condo or apartment complex, you can invest in a reasonably priced clothes drying rack and set it outside on your porch or balcony, or open up your windows to let the fresh air dry your clothes… The less you use your dryer, the lower your electricity bill will be.

Switch to Electricity Generated by Renewable Resources

If you ever looked into how your home is powered, you’d more than likely find out that your home is powered by fossil fuels, meaning, coal and oil, etc… And that’s how most people’s homes are powered. But what many people don’t know is that it’s not the only electricity option.

If you live in a state like Texas, you’ll be able to do a Texas energy comparison to find the cheapest rates that meet your budget, AND do good for the environment because the electricity is generated from the cleanest and most abundant source, the sun.

Photo by American Public Power Association

Apply Window Film to Reduce Heat

When it comes to generating heat in your home without the use of your heating unit, you can rely on your windows to be that natural source of heat. But in the same token, that very same heat from the sun you rely on to heat your home in the winter is the very same heat that can overheat your home in the summer months. What’s the solution? Install a window film.

Think of window film like tint for your car windows… With window film, it will block as much as 99% of the sun’s harmful UV rays and reduces the amount of light that enters a room, thus reducing the need to turn on your cooling unit.

Wash Your Clothes in Cold Water

Do you know how much energy it takes to heat water? It takes 4,200 Joules, per kilogram, per Celsius degree! That’s a lot, in case you didn’t know. In lamens terms, that means as much as 90% of energy is used to heat water.

The biggest misconception people have about hot water when washing clothes is that they think the hot water gets clothes cleaner than cold water, and that’s just not the case at all. Cold water gets clothes just as clean as hot water… It’s all about the detergent you use; Water temperature has nothing to do with it.

There are many more ways you can do your part to help better the environment but starting small at home is the best way to start. If you make these tips listed above become a daily habit, you can then advance to help the environment in much bigger ways.

I am a beachy type of person, living in Newport Beach, and oftentimes I’ll go for a swim with my daughter. When I’m bored, I’ll help make package boxes for my little girl’s sticker company on Etsy.
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