15 Creative Dining Table Centerpiece Ideas

Vegetables can Decorate too

Dining table centerpieces are a great way to not just add artistic appeal to your dining room but you can experiment all you want and infuse each piece with a part of your personality. Centerpieces can be changed to fit every occasion, for example, you have regular pieces like a vase of fresh flowers to add a cheery feel to the room or substitute with lighted candles when you’re having a romantic dinner with your spouse.

1. Flowers in a Trough

This rustic animal water trough is a perfect alternative if you wish to try something different from the common floral arrangements in vases. Use its versatility and fill it with flowers of any color to match any dinner theme you have in mind. Then again, the seasonal or exotic flowers you can find are perfect conversation starters.

Image Credit: pinterest

2. Inverted Wine Glasses

Here’s a novel method of showing off that wine glass collection that you’re so proud of. Pick four of your favorite ones and invert them on a stylish tray. Choose fresh vibrantly colored flowers and place one under each. Only make sure the flowers are big enough to fill the glass and you coordinate the colors carefully.

Image Credit: pinterest

3. Candle Stands

Candle stands are always great dining table centerpieces. But if you have a collection of antique candle stands, you could arrange them on a long wooden tray and top them with different candles. If you like you can also play around with scented candles or candles in different colors.

Image Credit: blogspot

4. Flowers and Candles

A combination of flowers and candles might seem like just a basic table centerpiece idea. But when you experiment with say, a boat-shaped flower vase and combine them with oriental concealing candle stands that reveal the candlelight through carved openings, you have a very unique, winning idea on your hands.

Image Credit: decosee

5. Just Vases

Interestingly, dining table centerpieces need not necessarily be placed in the center of your dining table. Nor is it mandatory to have flowers in the vases you wish to display. Do you have some beautiful porcelain pieces from say, the Orient or the Middle East? Arrange them on your dining table, a little to the side instead of in the middle.

Image Credit: decoist

6. Colored Glass Bottles

Assorted colored glass bottles in various shapes and sizes make a very eye-catching centerpiece. Pick out a wooden rack with a pastoral finish and place them so that they are slightly elevated from the other objects on the dining table.

Image Credit: decoist

7. Water Jugs

Now here’s another unusual table centerpiece idea. Are you planning a formal afternoon with an al fresco luncheon. Place a tall jug in the center of your table and fill it with flowers that match the theme of your event for that touch of elegant class. And if you can find a jug that has a vintage look, that would complement your table perfectly.

Image Credit: wfrcdn

8. Bird’s Nest

This centerpiece idea seems not only startling but it is exotic and fun. Recreate a bird’s nest in the center of your dining table complete with the foliage in a large vintage bowl. You could combine it with metallic balls of different finishes offset by rattan and bamboo balls. And of course, you wouldn’t want to forget the faux dove in the bowl.

Image Credit: hgtv

9. Vintage Tea Set

How would you like to display that fantastic silver tea service you grandmother left you? The perfect location to show it off would be the center of your dining table. Only make sure, it is polished to perfection and stands in its matching tray. Next prepare to take a load of compliments from guests visiting your home.

Image Credit: inthralld

10. Planter

You can adopt this idea if your dining room is airy and lets in a lot of sunshine. Set a tall, transparent glass planter in the middle of your dining table and let it grow naturally. You might need to maintain this a little with regular water changes and cleaning but it adds to the sunny, warm ambiance of your dining room.

Image Credit: inthralld

11. Terraniums

Here’s another never-heard-before table centerpiece idea. A terranium is a covered glass container that houses a collection of plants that grow in their own moisture and don’t need much maintenance. Use a miniature one to add style to your dining room.

Image Credit: blogspot

12. Vegetables can Decorate too

You can use different colored vegetables to create a very unexpected centerpiece for your dining table. Line up pumpkins in different colors and sizes with green leaves for a vibrant look.

Image Credit: vissbiz

13. Leaves

Use the beauty of leaves from your garden as a dining table centerpiece. Arrange leaves in transparent glass containers and the magic from your garden can add a lovely appeal to your meal. If you like you can also use leaves of different hues and mix and match.

Image Credit: blogspot

14. Vegetable Art

We have all heard about carved fruit for elegant desserts but how about carved vegetables as an uncommon centerpiece. Team brightly colored bell peppers and carrots with celery and you have a delectable centerpiece you could serve onto your plate with your meal.

Image Credit: condenast

15. Bird Feathers

Here’s yet another unique table centerpiece idea. If you can get hold of them, white ostrich feathers give a very elegant look to your table. But if you like you could also experiment with other exotic feathers like peacock or other colorful bird plumage.

Image Credit: tenderstreats

The dining table centerpiece ideas that we have presented before you are just little snippets designed to fire your imagination. Look around your home and you can use some of your prized possessions as centerpieces or create any kind of art to display and create that Wow factor that will blow your guests away.

I’m a nerdy bookworm with a knack for writing. When I’m not writing fanfics or reading a 1000 page long book, I play Little Alchemy with my little sister.
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