The Dangers of DIY Plumbing Repair

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Many homeowners believe they can do it themselves when it comes to plumbing repair. After all, it’s just a matter of fixing a leak or replacing a pipe, right? Well, not always. DIY plumbing repair can be dangerous if you’re not familiar with the proper safety precautions. Here are some dangers of DIY plumbing repair you need to know about before tackling the job yourself.

1. Improper Tool Use

Do you use a high-pressure water hose when unclogging a pipe? Do you hammer away at rusty bolts with a chisel and wedge? These are just two examples of using improper tools for plumbing repair. Don’t attempt to do it yourself if you’re not familiar with the right tool to replace, fix, or install certain parts. Contact a professional Plumber North Hills to show you the right tool for the job.

2. High-Pressure Pipes

The water pressure in your plumbing system is very high, probably somewhere between 80 and 120 psi (pounds per square inch). If this pressure isn’t regulated at the meter valve, you risk experiencing pipe damage or, worse yet, an explosion or blowout that could injure you or someone else. If you’re not familiar with reducing water pressure before repairing pipes, don’t attempt it yourself; call a professional instead!

Image from WorkWave

3. Unsafe Locations

While most DIY projects are completed safely inside homes and buildings, some plumbing repairs are best left to trained professionals like your local plumbers. For example, a licensed plumber should only conduct sewer repairs to avoid interaction with harmful bacteria and other contaminants. Other hazardous locations include septic tanks and behind walls where you’re forced to cut into crucial water pipes or electrical wiring.

4. Outdated Plumbing Tools

Just like cars from the early 20th century, older plumbing systems may not have been designed with today’s safety standards in mind. If your home was built before 1990, it’s essential to hire a professional plumber instead of attempting to make the crucial repair yourself, especially if you have old metal piping that needs replacing. Many DIY videos won’t even cover how to work with outdated pipe materials because they can cause serious problems when tampered with incorrectly.

5. DIY Can Be Expensive

Even if you’re not working with outdated plumbing tools, you can still get into some serious trouble while making repairs yourself. A slight mistake can lead to needing a new part or even a whole new fixture; this means that your attempt at saving money could end up costing you hundreds of dollars in the long run. It’s always better to hire a professional when in doubt.

6. You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know

One of the most common mistakes made by amateur plumbers is assuming they know more than they do about how their plumbing system works—which pipes are hot and which ones carry gas, for example—and then attempting an installation or repair that doesn’t follow code or have the correct permits. If you don’t know what you’re doing, call a professional to avoid making dangerous mistakes resulting in serious injury or death.

7. Clogs Aren’t Easy To Fix Yourself

While it might seem simple enough to take care of a clog yourself, most DIYers have no idea where to even begin when it comes to getting rid of a clog—they usually give up and hope for the best. Clogs are often a symptom of a more significant problem with your septic system, so trying to fix them without the proper knowledge could exacerbate the issue by sending more gunk into your plumbing system. You can avoid this by calling a plumber as soon as you notice a problem with anything draining through your septic system.

8. Leaking Pipes Can Be Tricky To Fix Yourself

Tackling a leaky pipe on your own can lead to severe flooding in your home if it’s not handled quickly and correctly—and you don’t want that. Unless you’re completely confident that you can take small leaks or minor repairs, it’s best to call for professional help as soon as there are any signs of water damage in your home.

I am a beachy type of person, living in Newport Beach, and oftentimes I’ll go for a swim with my daughter. When I’m bored, I’ll help make package boxes for my little girl’s sticker company on Etsy.
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