Delicious Decor: A DIY Guide to Styling Your Kitchen

Photo by Collov Home Design on Unsplash

Kitchen design styling can be a tricky game. As one of the most utilised interior spaces in your home, your kitchen is often expected to balance elements of beauty as well as functionality. For this reason, a lot of modern designs tend to feel quite minimalistic, with a growing priority on downsizing on appliances and other tools, a move that isn’t entirely feasible for families or larger households.

Thankfully, there are some cost-effective DIY methods you can use to style your kitchen without sacrificing your space’s overall functionality. In fact, some of these methods will enhance the functionality of your space!

Read on to unearth our kitchen styling secrets.

Incorporate versatile storage

Image from House Beautiful

Kitchen storage doesn’t just have to be isolated to your cabinet space. In fact, a lot of modern kitchens have been designed with overhead shelving, pot racks, and other versatile, vertical storage options that ensure you are making the most of your total kitchen space.

As you can easily install most additional kitchen storage solutions with a reliable cordless drill and some spare time on the weekend, this little DIY project is a must-do for all you inner-city apartment or townhouse dwellers with smaller kitchens, or simply anybody who has at some point or another felt limited by their dwindling kitchen space.

Create a focal point

Image from Decoist

One of the best methods of elevating the overall design scheme of any interior is simply to add a clear and engaging focal point which you can then use to ensure balance and cohesion throughout the rest of your space.

A common focal point in modern kitchens tends to be either a brilliantly patterned backsplash or modular tiling that’s customised to adhere to any chosen interior design scheme, or even an eye-catching light fixture suspended centrally over your kitchen space.

Whatever focal point you end up selecting, it’s worthwhile to take some time to find other accents or even kitchen utensils and appliances that fit the tone or design style of that focal point. Doing so will ensure that your finished kitchen interior will feel harmonious and look like a work of art as well as maintaining its functionality.

Work within a colour scheme

Photo by HausPhotoMedia on Unsplash

Of course, a key component of any interior design project is ensuring that you’ve thoroughly outlined the colour scheme of that project. This can be tricky for kitchen spaces, as you’ll inevitably always have kitchen accessories and tools that break from any fixed colour scheme. It’s for this reason that a lot of modern kitchen spaces tend to be monochromatic, with a black/white colour scheme.

If a monochromatic interior just isn’t for you, feel free to use the popular 60-30-10 colour rule used by interior designers to create your own colour scheme. The 60-30-10 rule can be an invaluable reference point for ensuring that your colour scheme stays balanced. Keep in mind, however, that anything more than three main colours may put you at risk of experiencing colour clashes.

You can minimise risks of colour clashing by storing these appliances, accessories, and tools away when not in use, and doing your best to ensure that your kitchen adheres to its scheme and interior design style whenever cooking or food preparation isn’t taking place.

Add texture with layering

Photo by Dane Deaner on Unsplash

The art of layering in interior design can be used to help highly functional spaces feel a little more structured in their chaos, simply by embracing the beauty of that chaos, and turning what was once a cacophony of colour into more of a conscious celebration.

You can practice layering by incorporating wall art that largely adheres to your design scheme, but still introduces its own minute accent colours, or even by using some green decor, such as flowerpots and little succulents. Even a humble herb garden on your windowsill can perfectly complement a monochromatic kitchen, as well as boosting the overall functionality of your space.

Photo by R ARCHITECTURE on Unsplash

All modern kitchens are made up of the same fixtures, appliances, and functional elements. Despite this, kitchen designs can vary greatly, and the power to mix and match between different styles of fixtures, faucets, appliances, and the like, can oftentimes feel like far too much creative control.

It doesn’t take long to realise throughout your design process, however, that kitchen styling is truly all about returning back to basics. This is a project that can always be DIY and often tends to flow best when it is. After all, the kitchen is a space you’ll use every day. You have the right to create a space that’s perfectly tailored to the lifestyle of you and your wider household.

I am a beachy type of person, living in Newport Beach, and oftentimes I’ll go for a swim with my daughter. When I’m bored, I’ll help make package boxes for my little girl’s sticker company on Etsy.
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