8 Ways to Avoid an AC Breakdown at Night

Image from Real Simple

The last thing you would want to experience is your air conditioner breaking down in the middle of the night. An air conditioner helps keep your home comfortable, especially when temperatures are high. So, a breakdown could make your room uncomfortable.

Like any other heating or cooling equipment, an AC is subject to breakdown. However, there are specific measures you can implement to ensure the equipment is efficient and functions well. That way, you’ll mitigate the risks of your AC breaking down at night.

This guide explores some preventive measures to help you avoid an air conditioner breakdown at night. Implementing these tips can be of crucial relevance in your home.

How to Avoid an AC Breakdown at Night

When your AC breaks down in the middle of the night in summer, you may have to wait until morning for your HVAC contractor. Unfortunately, the rising indoor temperature can be uncomfortable, depriving you of sleep. Avoiding such breakdowns make more sense.

Here are the preventive measures to avoid an AC breakdown at night.

Image from Bob Villa

Clean your air duct system

Your air ducts can get clogged with dirt. Unfortunately, this can negatively impact your AC system. Besides, it may pose significant health risks to you and your family. The good news is that cleaning the air ducts can improve your HVAC system’s efficiency.

Consider cleaning your air ducts frequently to prevent dirt buildup. That will not only improve your HVAC’s efficiency but also extend your AC’s lifespan and improve your indoor air quality. You can opt for a fast and efficient air duct cleaning service in Miami.

Don’t forget your annual tune-up

One of the best ways to prevent an AC breakdown at night is by performing an annual tune-up on your air conditioner. As with regular car servicing and inspections, you must also perform AC maintenance yearly. That will make a big difference in your AC system.

During a tune-up, an HVAC contractor will inspect your AC system and perform the necessary maintenance tasks. As a result, it will reduce the risk of your air conditioner breaking down at night. So, schedule a tune-up with a reliable HVAC contractor.

Keep your air filter clean

Dirty air filters are one of the reasons AC systems break down unexpectedly. So, your AC system will likely stop working if you run your air conditioner on a dusty air filter. Also, it will prevent efficient airflow, reducing indoor air quality and posing health risks.

To avoid such inconveniences, you must keep your air filters clean by checking and changing them at least once every month. The good news is that changing air filters is straightforward and can take only a few minutes. Besides, the filters are affordable.

Image from Quick Air

Ensure there are no water leaks

Air conditioning systems usually have condensation lines that drain off water produced as humidity. An AC system can fail if the condensation lines get clogged, resulting in water leaks around it. As a result, it can lead to wet floors, walls, or shingles.

As you inspect your air filters monthly, you should check around your AC unit for signs of water. If you notice a water leak near the air conditioner, you must act swiftly to avoid the looming AC breakdown. You can contact an HVAC expert to help unclog the drains.

Keep all your air vents open

If you don’t use some of the rooms in your home frequently, you may get tempted to close the vents in those rooms. Unfortunately, closing the air vents will force the AC to work harder to push air to other areas in your home – this can result in energy waste.

Closing your vents will do more harm than good to your AC. The pressure built up in your AC system due to closed vents can cause long-term damage to the air conditioner. Therefore, always open your air vents, including those in unused rooms.

Don’t overwork your air conditioner

When leaving your home for work in the morning, you may get tempted to turn off your AC system. If you return home in the evening, the AC will work harder to overcome the intense built-up heat. Overworking your air conditioner can cause it to break down.

The less work your air conditioning system does, the lower the chances it will break down. So rather than shutting down your system when you are away, you can keep the temperature moderate. Thankfully, you can do that with a programmable thermostat.

Image from Chills Air Conditioner

Clean your air conditioner coils

The condenser and evaporator coils in your AC ensure that your system circulates cool air in your home. Evaporator coils cool the air by absorbing heat, while condenser coils dissipate heat. However, these coils can become inefficient when clogged with dirt.

Consider cleaning your air conditioner coils if you can access them. Doing that will help to improve the AC system’s efficiency, reducing the risk of breakdowns. Ensure you do the cleaning at least once every year. You can hire an HVAC expert to help you clean.

Replace your AC when it gets old

As your air conditioning system is nearing its end of life, it begins to develop problems that may negatively impact its cooling efficiency. For example, the AC may have sensor and drainage issues and refrigerant leaks. As a result, it can easily break down at night.

If your air conditioner is approaching the end of its life, you should consider replacing it as soon as possible. You don’t have to wait until it breaks down to substitute it. The good news is that modern air conditioners are less vulnerable to frequent breakdowns.

Final Words

As a homeowner, always inspect your air conditioner’s coils, filters, and duct systems and clean them when dirty. Also, it would help if you stayed up-to-date with your AC system maintenance to avoid air conditioner breakdown. Most importantly, consider working with a licensed HVAC contractor when performing the annual maintenance.

I am a beachy type of person, living in Newport Beach, and oftentimes I’ll go for a swim with my daughter. When I’m bored, I’ll help make package boxes for my little girl’s sticker company on Etsy.
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