Top Interior Design Products for 2019

Photo by Nirzar Pangarkar on Unsplash

With the turn of a new year there’s never been a better time to incorporate some new, on trend items that will overhaul your home and have it looking brand new. Below are this season’s “must have” products that will prove worthy additions to your 2019 home.


Who can remember a time when dark, heavily patterned curtains with matching pelmets and curtain ties resided in every home? Well, luckily that trend is well and truly a thing of the past and stylish items for 2019 couldn’t be further away from what’s just been mentioned. Adding light, sleek blinds to your home can create a simplistic and elegant feel and with a wide range of options to choose from there’s something to suit every decor. You can choose sheer blinds that prevent you from being startled by the sun, they look luxuriously elegant and you don’t have to sacrifice the view of your well maintained outdoor space. If you’d like something that’s more practical without compromising on style there’s a wide range of blinds to choose from that help to control the temperature of your rooms- a great way to lower those heating and cooling bills!

Sustainable Furniture

Designers can be more creative than ever as a shift towards sustainable and eco-friendly furniture becomes more and more prevalent. Gone are the days where identical, mass produced furniture sits in everyone’s home. Unique, one off pieces are what people want and these can now, also be environmentally friendly pieces that are made completely from recycled goods or from materials that are more sustainably sourced. You could invest in a timeless statement piece that’s made from natural materials if this fits in with the style of your home or for those of you with a creative flare you could upcycle some old furniture – eco-friendly and sustainable options for all budgets. It’s also important to consider packaging, make sure sustainable choices are being made at all stages of production by your company of choice, it pays to do your research.


Don’t let your home lighting be and after thought. By carefully tailoring your lighting choices to each room you can have a huge impact on the feel of your home. This is why making this consideration in the early stages of planning your room is vital. You’ll also need to think about functionality, creating the right atmosphere is important but so is practicality. Lighting in your kitchen will need to be will need to be effective, overhead hanging lights are ideal for this space as they illuminate chosen areas such as the stove or the dining table where lots of light is necessary. You could even add a skylight to your kitchen to allow some more natural light during the day. You’ll need to make different considerations when planning your bedroom lighting. Your boudoir should be cosy and and calming and dimmer lights are ideal for this. If you have the switch beside your bed you can read you bedtime book in peace before switching off and sailing off to the land of nod.

Indoor Plants

Will indoor plants ever go out of style? The answer is no and now there’s an affordable range of different indoor plants that you can bring into your home to really bring your style right on trend. Whether you have a lot of space or not there’s a plant that’s ideal for your home. Some stand tall and have large glossy leaves whilst others hang subtly whilst creating an intriguing centre piece to a room. Don’t worry if your dont have much confidence in your green fingers either, artificial plants are more high quality than ever and most of the time you can’t even distinguish between what’s real and what’s not. A quirky way to ensure your home is brought into the 21st century.


By adding just a few of these 2019 products you can completely transform your home into something that looks like it’s right out of an interior design magazine, proving that updating your home doesn’t have to be a big job.

I am a beachy type of person, living in Newport Beach, and oftentimes I’ll go for a swim with my daughter. When I’m bored, I’ll help make package boxes for my little girl’s sticker company on Etsy.
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