Common Problems a Power Outage Can Cause at Home

Common Problems a Power Outage Can Cause at Home

A power outage can do more than cause the lights to go out. Many aspects of our modern lives depend on electricity. So, if the power suddenly goes out at your home, you need to know what to expect. Otherwise, you risk food spoiling, basement flooding, and many other issues.

If you’re a new homeowner, you may not know what problems can arise when the power goes out. You don’t want to be unprepared, so you’ll need to learn what to do if you lose power. Here are the most common problems a power outage can cause at home.

Your HVAC System Won’t Work

Nobody likes when the power goes out during the summer or winter. Since there’s no electricity, your HVAC unit won’t be able to operate. That means no cool air in the summer and no heat during the winter. If you’re experiencing harsh temperatures, having no power could become a health hazard.

Store ice and battery-powered fans in case you lose power when it’s hot. If it’s cold, bundle up and get a fire going in the fireplace if you have one.

Whether it’s hot or cold, you will also lose humidity. If you regularly use a humidifier, it won’t work when the power is out. Dry air can cause headaches, scratchy throats, and dry skin.

Your Food Might Spoil

One of the most significant risks of a power outage is losing everything in your fridge. No electricity means no refrigeration. Your food can stay fresh for up to 24 hours, but it will spoil if the outage is longer. Limit the number of times you open the fridge during the outage to keep food fresh longer. Keeping the door closed will trap cold air inside, giving your food a better chance of staying fresh. If you have a backup generator for your home, you can avoid food spoilage. It will kick on and keep the fridge and the rest of your appliances running.

Clocks and Alarms Will Reset

During the power outage, you won’t be able to read any of your digital clocks. This includes clocks on the microwave, oven, and other appliances. Once the power comes back on, you’ll need to reset the time on each appliance.

Key Takeaways

By now, you should have a better idea of what to do if you experience a power outage. It’s crucial not to panic, as most outages get resolved within a few hours. It’s important to know the best safety practices to keep everything intact.

Remember to keep your fridge closed and find ways to stay cool or warm. And don’t forget to buy some essential items such as candles and flashlights. Keeping these around the house will help you out during a power outage.

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