It is not uncommon to hear claims in the media stating ‘Guaranteed way to succeed in the property market’ or ‘Sure fire investment winners’. Statements of this kind are misleading. Investing in property will always be a gamble but there ...

A messy, disorganized home can cost you a lot of stress. There is so much for the eyes to see and process. In this setup, you spend more time looking for things when you need them and it can take ...

Are you someone who is looking forward to placing art and iconic furniture to stylize your apartments? If yes, you have just arrived on time to get cool ideas on using iconic furniture pieces all around your living space. Iconic ...

For elegant and minimalistic duplex floor plans, please browse through our awesome collection of duplex homes pictures showcased below, all of which have fine touches of decor elements from Sweden or Scandinavia. As we all are aware, a Swedish accented ...

Scandinavian decor needs no introduction. It’s contemporary and has been an inspiration for decor throughout the world for many. While Scandinavians may be prone to darkness and cold much higher than other regions of the world, it’s decor reflects brightness ...

Bedroom decorating ideas as mentioned in today’s post have been specially handpicked by me since I have recently renovated my bedroom and felt like sharing some cool bedroom ideas for apartment with my readers. Living in an apartment makes you ...

If you are an apartment dweller, you must make sure to read today’s post that would talk about storage solutions, about 40 of them that are sure to make your living stylish. We all have lived in small cramped up ...

With more than half of world’s population staying in small cramped up apartments it has become imperative that measures be taken promptly to make these dwelling places worth staying. Small apartments need not necessarily be made to look like holes ...

A studio apartment is one with a limited space and hence it demands the best of your creativity when it comes to decorating it. At the same time, it also allows you to spend on things that cost less and ...

Our dream bedroom often includes beautiful artwork, exquisite facilities and an extraordinary bed which compliments the décor seamlessly. The beds are usually considered the most important part of a room as it is your only place in the whole wide ...