15 Tips For Choosing Curtains For Kids Room

All parents want to decorate their kids’ personal space in the best possible manner. They end up spending hours contemplating the most appropriate designs and accessories. Windows might just be a source of ventilation and light for adults but for children, windows are like interpretations of the outside world. It is important to keep children’s psychology and their safety in mind while designing their room. Here are few tips that will help you come up with amazing curtain ideas for your kids’ room.

1. Consider the age and gender of your child

It is essential to consider your child’s gender and age while choosing curtains for his or her room. Curtains that are appropriate for a 2 year old might not work for a 5 year old or for an adolescent. Toddlers love bright colors and patterns while slightly older children prefer cartoon characters. As for teenagers, it is best to ask them to give ideas for curtains. Same goes for gender as boys and girls have very different tastes.

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2. Material of the curtain you choose

Thicker fabrics can be used in rooms that are well lit. It is advisable to get curtains made of natural fabrics but make sure that the fabrics that you choose are easy to clean and are lightweight.

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3. Safety of the children is of utmost importance

This is undoubtedly the most important criterion when it comes to curtain ideas for your kids’ rooms. Small children generally pull curtains while trying to stand or walk and lightweight curtains are best in such a scenario. Also, curtains must not have any small detailing or decoration that can be swallowed.

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4. Size

The size depends majorly upon the designer’s choice and the décor of the room. However, children tend to pull the longer curtains.

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5. Choose the right shades

You wouldn’t want to choose dark shades and themes for curtains in your child’s room as they give a gloomy look. Choose shades that work for day time as well as evenings. Shades that you choose must be bright and appealing.

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6. Go for smooth textures

Unlike curtains for adults rooms, kids’ curtains need not have complex designs and textures. Avoid opting for curtains that are too sophisticated or complex. Smooth curtains made of flowing fabrics are ideal.

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7. Appealing shapes and designs on curtains

Kids learn from everything that is around them. Keep the designs and prints simple yet appealing so that children can learn and innovate.

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8. Kids’ curtain need to be fun

Parents tend to overlook this aspect while choosing curtains but this is one of the most important factors. Choose curtains that will make your children happy.

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9. Choose pelmets to enhance the look

Pelmets are placed on top with attractive designs that compliment the room’s décor and also contribute towards the child’s learning and development.

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10. Choose the right colors

If the walls in the background are in light shades, the curtains can be appealing and bright. For rooms with colored walls, light or transparent curtains are ideal.

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11. Match the fabric

One of the most popular curtain ideas is matching the fabric of curtains with the fabrics of other items in the room like pillow covers, cushions, bed linen etc. Such curtains are designed on order.

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12. Mix and match

The basic idea is to look for a heavy curtain and match it with a light and airy one to strike a balance. You can also choose a printed one and match it with a light non printed curtain.

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13. Complementing the bright walls and contrasting the light ones

This is one of the simplest ideas for curtains; if the walls are brightly colored or designed with wallpapers compliment the walls with matching curtains as these walls do not need any more decoration. For light walls, add contrasting block or printed curtains.

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14. Choose lighting solutions before choosing curtains

Here, the rule is simple; children like brightly lit rooms. Choose curtains that allow ample light into the room.

Image credit: lolaartandgifts

15. Consult your children

Growing children like to be consulted for designing and decorating their rooms. Let your children open up and ask them for their preferences. After all, it is their room.

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No matter what the theme of your child’s room is, choose curtains that will compliment the décor. Remember to think from your kid’s point of view while choosing curtains for his or her room and enhance the appeal of your child’s special space.

I’m a nerdy bookworm with a knack for writing. When I’m not writing fanfics or reading a 1000 page long book, I play Little Alchemy with my little sister.
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