Outdoor lighting may seem like a small detail in sprucing up a garden. However, installing these features can open the door to a rich assortment of perks. One might even argue that the benefits you could enjoy here are essential ...

The front yard is usually the first view people have of your home. This is your home’s chance to make a great first impression. That’s what curb appeal is all about. You want the first view to make the visitor ...

Greenhouses and garden sheds have been around for centuries, and there are many reasons for their continual existence. While the two are not codependent, it makes sense to have both if you are an avid gardener. The well being of ...

Most homeowners rely on rainfall, at least to some extent, to keep their lawns green and healthy. It’s common to go through dry spells when less rain falls, but what about those times when dry spells turn into actual droughts? ...

Besides planting healthy herbs and vegetables in our gardens, it is also vital to add some colorful, beautiful flowers to the mix. To increase vegetable garden production and minimize pests damage, planting flowers may be the answer to your problem ...

Outdoor spaces can add tremendous value to a property, with just a little bit of work. They’re incredibly flexible, serving as a space for work, rest and play – and thus it’s worth tailoring your garden to the function it’ll ...

You may think that nature will help you decide how your landscaping is going to be. Obvious, right? Unfortunately, this is not true in all cases. The landscape design today is very much a man-made phenomenon. And believe this: there ...

Whether the winter months have taken their toll on your garden, or you’ve recently moved into a new property and the previous owners weren’t particularly green-fingered, if you have a neglected garden on your hands then you’re going to have ...

Your yard says a lot. If it is messy, outsiders assume the owner doesn’t care. If stays neat and tidy, the assumption is that the owner puts a priority on it. The truth is, there are things that happen in ...

With simple backyard enhancement ideas, you can use your backyard design to make up for whatever space or utility that you’re lacking indoors. You can turn your backyard into the perfect location for get-togethers, dinner parties, a man cave, or ...